Duncan signs for McNeese Rodeo
Posted May 16, 2019
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Kamryn Duncan signs with McNeese University on a Rodeo scholarship

Martin signs Golf Scholarship
Posted May 16, 2019
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Devyn Martin signs with Centenary College Golf.

Junior Takeover Week
Posted May 10, 2019
Monday - Wear your brightest neon
Tuesday - Wear Hawaiian
Wednesday - Ring Ceremony
Thursday - Superhero Day
Friday - Red, White, and Blue

Eagles on Attack
Posted Apr 2, 2019
Written by Charles Burchfield
Live Oak Baseball, are taking on their district rival Denham Springs at the Live Oak ballpark at 6 p.m. today. This is a very big game for the Eagles as they are coming off of a lost to Walker, while Denham Springs is coming off a big game against Zachary 4-3 with Doughty to save the game. Denham, who we think is pitching Tyler Evans, a senior pitcher and center fielder, has not had a great season going 12-9 while the Eagles had a great start winning big games against Barbe, Lafayette and Destrehan. This rivalry as expanded into every sport like football, soccer, and basketball. Everyone needs to show up and be in support of the Eagles, as they try and get back on their winning streak and become district champs as they also face Zachary and Central this week.
Posted Apr 2, 2019
Written by Cade Delafosse
The Livingston Parish Literacy and Technology Center is a great place to earn some dual enrollment credit and get certified in subjects you like! You can learn about criminal justice, or perhaps toy around with vehicles and repair them in automotive class. You can draw ideas for neighborhoods in the arts of drafting. If you’re looking into more of a medical career, you can take a hands on course on becoming an Emergency Medical Technician; or learn the ways of becoming a nurse practitioner. IF none of these sound interesting, how about rewiring and rebuilding computers? You can write codes and learn everything there is to learn in Computer Science! All of these classes that you can learn can earn you double the credit and get you certified! Did I also mention you can leave school for half a day every day? No? Well you can! One half of the day, you spend at school, the other half you can learn about your certification. This won’t be a decision you’ll regret!

The End is almost here
Posted Apr 2, 2019
Written by Jenna Dees
Second semester is rolling to an end much quicker than we all expected. The trees have changed colors multiple times and the dreaded report cards have come and gone. Spring break is nearby. You would think seniors are the most excited; graduation being around the corner. However, Juniors are anxious. Senioritis is taking control of the minds of all 11th grade students, with the final stretch of junior year in view. Only a few more major assessments and a ring ceremony way from our last year of high school. It’s almost unreal to think we have one more year of high school left. This past semester has pasted by very quickly, almost in the blink of an eye. By now many of us have our future goals in sight, ready to be reached. Students are starting to straighten out their educational path and set their sights on a specific career. The end is in view and sense of accomplishment is sensed by all

Reach Extravaganza
Posted Apr 2, 2019
Written by Maddie Rogers
The Reach Extravaganza was held on a Friday morning at 8:45 a.m. at Live Oak Middle School. It was filled with all kinds of activities. Some of the activities they had for us to do were jumpy houses, face paint, karaoke, swat unit, police helicopter, kiss a pony named Knoxx, therapy dog and red barn animals with Jack Russel puppies for sale. They also provided Zaxbys and snowballs with a soda or water to drink. They had games and coloring for the little kids. The Reach members were paired with certain kids, and the Reach members were held responsible for that certain kid. We had at least 200 students and parents attend.

Spring Break
Posted April 2, 2019
Written by Kara Barbier
As we continue into the second semester, our minds are beginning to give up. This semester has been dragging on for what seems like forever. We have been busy with nonstop homework, quizzes, tests, and projects. We have been constantly working, without any true break, for months now. However, our much needed spring break is on its way! Spring break is the time for students to catch up on sleep and hopefully not worry about any school work. Unfortunately, for some, school never stops. AP and honors classes are a serious problem for tired students in desperate need of a break. But, if your time is managed well, you can definitely catch up on sleep and return to school recharged. So just hold on tight, April 19th is almost here!

Talented Eagles
Posted Apr 2, 2019
Written by Ed Young
This year’s talent show was the best I have ever had the pleasure of being a part of. Full of many talented people, I feel bad for anybody who didn’t attend. John “Biddie” Wells debuted with his original song “__”, with Blake Shubert. The band A Summer in Mercury made their first appearance with an instrumental cover of Spiders by System of a Down. Both of these acts didn’t hold a candle to Jason Holloway’s rendition of Billy Joel’s Piano Man, and Natalie Crottwell’s cover of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody. Jason singed and played the harmonica and piano for a very impressive homage to the music giant. Natalie’s cover of Bohemian Rhapsody was a beautiful tribute to one of rock’s greatest front men. Jason also performed in a jazz band, dazzling all with an amazing jam. 2019’s talent show had everything: bands, solo acts, beatboxers, but most of all, heart. Everyone put their all into their acts and it really showed. Natalie Crottwell and Jason Holloway ended up winning, but anyone could have won; no one pulled up flat. I wish I could see next year’s talent show; with this one so full of good acts and talent, I have high hopes for the Talent Show of 2020!

Gifted Art
Posted April 2, 2019
Written by Brooke Ransome
I sit in Live Oak High’s small, crowded gifted art classroom. As I squeeze between the two closely positioned tables, it occurs to me the urgency of this project. The talented art show is going to be held April 2nd and 3rd at the Denham Springs Library, and my art piece would need to be finished today. I stare at my cow, an eight by eleven pan pastel on black paper. Fear runs through my hands with each touch of pigment going onto the paper. This is my first time using the medium. Many of my fellow classmates and I have been working on new techniques with unfamiliar mediums, attempting to stand out with skill to the art show judges. With so many different categories, there are many chances for us to place. But we’re also going up against students from all grades in the parish. It’s a scary thought to know every bit of your work is going to be critiqued by someone you’ll never see. But the joy of placing or even just getting honorable mention makes it worth it.

CLEP Exams
Posted Apr 2, 2019
Written by Lexie Milton
CLEP exams are an excellent opportunity to earn college credit without paying for and enduring an AP class. Through the help of Modern States, students can take these exams and earn credit for free. As long as you can pass the online course that is required to obtain the free test, you could potentially exempt out of that course in college. Also, if you do not pass the exam at the end, you can retake it again in 90 days. The retake is free as well. More people are starting to talk about this and for a good reason. It saves time and money. If you do not wish to take an AP class, go to modernstates.org and see what courses they have to offer. They may have the class you wish to be exempt from.

Senior Moments
Posted Apr 2, 2019
Written by Olivia Duhon
Senior year is the time to live and cherish every moment. These moments will be your final high school memories. Making sure you attend all the dances and participate in all functions is key. These school dances give you the time to be free and enjoy yourself. You are making forever memories with your friends and high school peers. Participating in all school functions such as football games and pep rally’s gives you the full high school experience and helps you be a part of your school. Senior year is not something that goes by slowly. Senior year is coming to an end and so are all the events, but the memories will be with us forever. High school is beginning to fade as the real world in approaching. The countdown to graduation has reached the teens. These last few days will be all that you have, so live your high school life to the fullest.

Upcoming Events:
Sept 2...Labor Day
Sept 3...Volleyball vs Brusly 6pm
Sept 6...Football vs Ponchatoula
Sept 12...Progress Report
Setp 13...FB v Woodlawn
Sept 13...Student Council Elections
Sept 14...ACT
Sept 15...Cheer Golf Tournament
Sept 18...VB v Episcopal
Sept 21...NMSI - English
Sept 23...No school
Sept 24...VB v Loranger
Setp 26...VB v Springfield
Sept 26...AP High 5 Breakfast
Sept 28...5K Run
Sept 30...Spirit Week - Disney Character Day

2019-2020 Colorguard
Taysha Anderson
Brooke Daniel
Averie Duran
Madisyn Gautreau
Rileigh Gill
Rebecca Gros
Kylie Hidalgo
Lily Joyce
Jordan Lemay
Leisa Munson
Macie Munson
Hannah Wilkinson

AP Testing
Posted April 2, 2019
Written by Claire Aydell
As this school year comes to a close, all AP teachers are buckling down to make sure that their students are ready for the tests in May. These classes have required hard work, dedication, and so much time which is why most of those who are taking multiple AP classes just cannot wait for the tests to be over. Most of the tests consist of a multiple choice section and then free response questions and last approximately 3 hours. This means that for 3 hours (for each test) students are sitting in the library and utilizing every ounce of intellect they have for one test. They try and recall all the information they can on one specific topic and attempt to get as many points as possible so that they can get that glorious 3 and pass the test. I can personally testify that this is exhausting, but it is so worth it when I put my pencil or pen down and know that I gave it everything I had.

District Literary Rally Winners
Posted April 2, 2019
Written by TyShea McGee
In our modern world of smart phones and smart cars, it is simple to conclude that students of today’s modern schools are if not more tech-savvy especially with their phones and computers. Sadly, the modern student’s supposed tech-savvy is composed of how to use the camera to take a selfie, typing in a question for Google to answer, and exploring YouTube. It is why computer classes are needed.
Computer classes such as IBCA, BCA, Web Design, and Computer Science teach computers skills. IBCA introduces students to Word and PowerPoint and makes them feel unequipped for a device that they’ve used forever. BCA introduces students to the most headache-inducing of computer programs, Excel. Web Design is for those who enjoy it or those who got put in that class against their wishes; either way, the class teaches students to convey ideas through a digital medium. Finally, there is Computer Science for those special snowflakes who know how a computer works.

Cross Country
Posted April 2, 2019
Written by ?
Cross Country, one of the most physically driven sport that we have at Live Oak. The miles ran on beaten paths; day in, day out, take a toll on your body. But all that hard work paid off for our Eagles this season. Finishing 4th in Regionals, every single runner beating their previous personal record from years prior, and completing the season in style at the State meet at NSU; gents placing 18th, while ladies placed 8th made for the 2018 season to be one of the best memories. To top off all the records broken this season, both the girls and boys team set another record by winning the Parish Championship for the 4th year in a row.
“Everyone really exceeded all of our expectations,” stated Mrs. Giering, the
sponsor of the Eagle’s Cross Country team. Our Eagles put the time and energy to push themselves and find new limits. Their dedication to their team, and our school, proves that anything is possible, if you put the work in.

Summer Approaching
Posted Apr 2, 2019
Written by Ethan Scarbrough
Another school year is slowly approaching an end. Students are ready to get out, and we are all waiting for the hot summer to come. This year has been great. Many things have been accomplished in the year of 2019. Athletic records have been broken, academics are continuing to improve every year, and joy is being spread all throughout the school. Seniors are getting ready to leave and head to college or find a job. Juniors are ready to take on the crown and become the leaders of the school next year. So many things are changing with the change of the school year, but one thing remains the same. We all will continue to be family no matter where we go in life.

District Literary Rally Winners
Posted Feb 26, 2019
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CONGRATULATIONS to the following students that placed at the Southeastern District Literary Rally and will advance to the state level to compete:
Brennan Stokes-Agriscience II
Hayden Burns-Biology I (scholarship recipient)
Parker Giering-BCA
Bailey Knox-Family and Consumer Science
Jamie Davis-Financial Math (scholarship recipient)
Jacob Johnson-Fine Arts Survey
Nathan Winfree-IBCA
Caitlynn Armstrong-Nutrition and Food
Kendall Johnson-Physical Science
Sydney Forbes-World History

Beta State Winners
Posted Feb 11, 2019
Written by Alice Didier
Congratulations on a job well done to our Beta Club! We attended our state convention last week and brought home 8 awards and a scholarship! Our quiz bowl team made the top 10 in the state and progressed to the semifinals. Congratulations to our team members: Anthony Shaidaee, Blake Schubert, Noah Jeffers, Kaitlyn Hall, Cade Canepa, and Emily Davison. Individual awards for academics are as follows: Nicco Budde with 4th place in division 2 digital art, Ivy Terrell with 5th place in division 2 onsite pencil drawing, Lauren Rogers with 4th in 10th grade mathematics, Spencer Verrett with 3rd in 12th grade Agriscience, Emily Rushing with 1st place in 11th grade English/language arts, Gavin Avery with 5th in 11th grade Science, Elizabeth Hilton with 4th in 11th grade Social Studies, and a special congrats to Kaitlyn Hall who scored top five in the state on the Harris Kennedy Scholarship Test winning a $2,000 scholarship!! Way to go Live Oak Beta, we are so proud of all of you!!

Girls Basketball taking it to the Hoops
Posted Jan 13, 2019
Written by Devyn Thornton
The Live Oak Eagle Basketball team is coached by Head Coach Michelle Yawn, and assistant coaches Lindsay Johnson and Fuzzy Kemp. When asked what the expectations were for the girls this season, Coach Yawn responded with “I expect the girls to give their best effort in practice and that will translate to games. They need to continue to improve their efforts.’’ Coach Yawn stated that “our district is always competitive. Denham Springs will be the team that will be the front runner this year.” The Eagles are off to a great start this year. They have 2 eturning seniors Harmony Johnson & Zyriah Pink; six juniors: Dijone Flowers, Teddy Woodside, Madison Peoples, Aislinn White, Ashlynn Lassard, and Jamie Elenbaas. Rounding off the team is sophomore Jaelyn Ray and freshman Bailey Little. The girls have been working together as a team while learning to trust each other’s strengths and understanding weaknesses and trying to improve them. Leadership has been one of their focus points. As long as they can keep improving these skills and everyone stays healthy, Coach Yawn believes the season will be very promising. Our junior varsity team is composed of Caroline Boquet, Alyssa Wascom , Kyleigh Overheim, Truly Moonshower, Bailey Little, Abigail Noland, Karli Maurello, Dailynne Voorhies, Demari Whitley, and Katy Jo Jeane.
The Eagles will face off against Zachary on Friday with the JV girls starting at 5:30 pm followed by the varsity girls.

Midterm Testing
Posted Dec 13, 2018
Written by Brooke Ransome
As mid-December approaches Live Oak High students look forward to one of the most bittersweet times of the year: midterm season. The upside of midterm season is that Christmas break is right around the corner from December 21st into January 7th. The downside, obviously, is midterms. Midterm exam dates are as the following: December 13th - 6th hour, December 14th - 1st and 2nd hour, December 17th - 3rd and 4th hour, and December 18th - 5th and 7th hour. As students come back to school from Thanksgiving break, their complaints can be heard all around campus regarding the tests. As study guides and extra assignments become added to a student’s already hefty workload, one might just wonder if there’s a way to escape the seemingly inevitable event. In fact, there actually is. To receive exemptions a student may meet any of the following requirements: Passed an AP exam last year with a 3 or higher, WorkKeys test, or ACT score or improvement. Although the requirements may be tough, being exempt from midterms is not impossible, and even if you are unable to sneak past any exams this year, it’s a good idea to know what the requirements are in able to achieve exemptions next year. After everything said, students, grab a coat, grab a textbook, grab a cup of coffee and get ready for the excruciating weeks to come. Good luck and Merry Christmas from Live Oak High.

Boys Soccer
Posted Dec 13, 2018
Written by Evan Hiestand
With soccer kicking off this year is the hope they could possibly win state this year. Last year with a lot of hard-work and dedication, our soccer team made it far in the playoffs. Though they didn’t win they showed true sportsmanship to the other teams. As Morgan Wootten once said “You learn more from losing than winning. You learn how to keep going.” You can apply this quote on how it has molded our soccer team into a formidable opponent to any other team unlucky enough to go against us. This year the soccer team lost many talented players but in turn received some that look very promising as their skills are more developed. Kobe Naquin a member of the soccer team said they currently have 2 wins and 2 losses. He is very optimistic though about the future of the soccer season saying they have a good chance making playoffs. This year we have a lot of athletic and academic players with most of them participating in multiple sports and extracurricular activities. Not only does it show that the players can take rigorous courses and maintain high GPAs but also their dedication to the sport of soccer. The soccer team is going to need the schools support this year though so go attend the game and help our team make state. In conclusion this soccer year will be great no matter what with the amazing player base offered by Live Oak High.

Girls Soccer
Posted Dec 8, 2018
Written by Jenna Dees
Live Oak High’s Girl’s soccer has had a great season thus far. The team is full of hard working, determined girls. The team consists of freshmen (Blakely Keith, Jenna Magee, Ali Tyler, Kylie Zeller, and Alexis Venable), sophomores (Emma Ross, Lauren Spears, and Londyn Dugar), juniors (Haley Borderlon, Mackenzie Covington, Leslie Lively, and Madelyn Mayfield), and seniors (Alicia Carlos, Madison Harrouch, and Kylie Stringer). These girls work tirelessly to achieve their goals, both in game and in practice. The effort put forth all season is amazing. Performance has stayed excellence, despite having to practice, warm-up, and play in freezing temperatures. The team is held together by sponsor Rebecca Spears and coached by Kraig Zeller.
The season started rocky with minor errors, but improvement was made soon thereafter and the girls have been dominating the field, even winning by 5 or more point gaps at times. The rest of the season is expected to only get tougher, but you can count on our soccer girls of Live Oak High School to play their hardest and do what they need to do to and earn a dub this next game. All eyes are definitely on the three seniors, as this season will be their very last. Alicia Carlos, a favorite by many, has stolen the spotlight again and again with her amazing skill and talent. There is no doubt that all of the seniors will go far in their life journey with soccer. We are all awaiting the rest of the season, and we can’t wait to see how it goes.

School SPS Score
Posted Dec 10, 2018
Written by Carter Higginbotham
This year Live Oak’s SPS score is the highest it has ever been. This improvement is significant and shows how well Live Oak is doing right now. The score puts Live Oak at an A rating. With a score of 110.1, Live Oak High is ranked one of the best public schools in Louisiana. SPS scores measures the student’s education levels and their college readiness. This an amazing accomplishment for the school and the community. The SPS score is what is used to compare the education level of a school’s classes against other schools. These scores are based on certain things like ACT scores or how well AP classes are doing. Scores are weighted with things like how students do on the ACT test or the state’s End of Course tests, the number of students who graduate, and the number of students who graduate over a four-year period. Everyone in high school is required to take the ACT their junior year, and is recognized by colleges as a measurement of college readiness. All students who are enrolled in high school are required to take the End-of-Course test and must take it to earn credits for their classes. This test also helps to determine the SPS score of the school. Live Oak is looking forward to next year and working hard to maintain to be a school of excellence.

Cheerleading Season
Posted Dec 2, 2018
Written by Olivia Duhon
Live Oak High School cheerleaders are the reigning champions of the 2018 Cheerleading Nationals, which are held in Orlando, Florida. This year's cheer team consists of four seniors, five juniors, eight sophomores, and seven freshmen. They are coached by Maddie Guidry and Kate Hornsby and are also sponsored by Dawn Amato and Jimmie Chandler.
The members of the LOHS cheer team are extremely dedicated to this program. They have been working hard to perfect their skills since they have received their choreography during the summer. They are currently practicing for their next competition, which will be held in Jackson, Mississippi on Sunday December 2, 2018. They will be competing against several teams to bring home the gold. Going to these competitions gives them a chance to showcase their talent. The coaches have full trust in their team to go out and hit the routine. Hornsby stated, “With every competition this year, we feel pressure from winning the championship last year and tying to live up to the standards.” For this competition, Hornsby said, “We will be competing in the large division, which is also a harder division.” Although they have had a few bumps in the road, they continue to overcome them. They strive to follow their motto, which states “STAY HUMBLE AND STAY HUNGRY.”

Yes, he did
Posted Nov 27, 2018
Written by David Gray | Livingston Parish News
The Colin Schultz, a 2018 graduate of Live Oak High School, was recently named an international winner of the 2019 “Yes, I Can!” award, the highest prize given by the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). The “Yes, I Can!” program recognizes the accomplishments of 12 students with exceptionalities in six categories: academics, arts, school and community activities, self-advocacy, technology, and transition. Schultz, now a freshman at the Centenary College of Louisiana in Shreveport, was awarded in the academics category. Schultz and the other winners will be recognized at the “Yes, I Can!” awards ceremony on Feb. 1, 2019, at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis, as part of the CEC 2019 Convention & Expo. In a press release, Schultz said, “For me, I feel as if the achievements that I have accomplished have made me who I am today. They have inspired me to work hard for what I want and never give up. Early in my life with my disability, I could have chosen to give up and accept being labeled as a disabled person. “Although I technically am, the achievements that I have accomplished have allowed me to look past the term ‘disabled’ and prove that I am as normal as every one of my peers.” When Schultz was born prematurely 19 years ago, his parents were told that he wouldn’t be able to eat or speak normally and that he would face both physical and intellectual limitations. Though a paralyzed vocal cord keeps his voice at a hoarse whisper, Schultz has excelled in both academics and extracurricular activities his entire life. He was an honor roll student every year of his high school career and took honors and advanced placement classes all four years, netting himself a cumulative 4.4 GPA that ranked 14th out of the 341 students he graduated with. On the pitch, he was named a Second-Team All-District performer for the Eagles soccer team his senior season, and this year, he will be a midfielder on Centenary’s soccer team. In addition, Schultz also participated in SWELL (Students with Excellent Learning Levels) as an elementary students, with the BETA club in middle school, and has talents in visual arts.

Wrestling Season Outlook
Posted Nov 16, 2018
Written by Tyler Braun
The Live Oak Wrestling team is stepping up as a team. Last year, like other years before, they placed third in state. They have impacted their namesake by taking wins from big schools such as Catholic High and Brusly. Live oak still has a long season ahead of them, but they are confident about their upcoming season. Coach Collier, head coach, says, “It is State Champion or bust this year.” He is saying this because this year is the last year that they will be a Division II team. Many of the wrestlers think that this will be the best season so far. This team might be young, but full of athleticism and talent. They have been training hard and still are because this year means so much to this team. They have worked too hard and too long to let this one slip away. Which means this year must be the year to make a name for themselves since they are going into Ddivision I next year. They are ready mentally and physically, and here they come, so watch out state.

Career Day
Posted Nov 15, 2018
Written by Evan Hiestand
Career Day this year was a success giving students valuable information of the future careers to them and their peers. At Live Oak, Career Day was organized into different clusters consisting of nine. Each cluster contained a different occupational field that the student was interested in. From there the student was introduced to workers affiliated with the field, and they gave their guidance on how to join the field and the resources needed for the job. In the end, all volunteers were appreciated by the students giving them advice on how to begin their future and where to look.

Jessica Haynes - Teacher of the Year
Posted Nov 8, 2018
Written by Maddy Rogers
Congratulations to the 2019 Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Jessica Haynes. Mrs Haynes is an English teacher at Live Oak High and has been teaching for 14 years. She has had the honor of being named our local Teacher of the Month on multiple occasions as well. She feels very proud to be a part of the Live Oak High Eagles as she is surrounded with so many quality fellow teachers and adminstrative family. As a LOH Alum herself, Mrs. Haynes is honored to call Live Oak her home. She also enjoys be a part of student success as she works on many committees such as Data Team, Academic Counsel, and Head of the English Department.

Leiva signs with West Florida Softball
Posted Nov 15, 2018
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Brett Leiva, Senior Catcher on the softball team, signed NLI with the University of West Florida Softball yesterday. Leiva has a .400+ batting average with 31 RBIs and 7 homeruns for the 2018 season. She is a 3 time District, Parish and Metro selection.

Cross Country Season of Records
Posted Nov 15, 2018
Written by Ed Young
Cross Country, one of the most physically driven sport that we have at Live Oak. The miles ran on beaten paths; day in, day out, take a toll on your body. But all that hard work paid off for our Eagles this season. Finishing 4th in Regionals, every single runner beating their previous personal record from years prior, and completing the season in style at the State meet at NSU; gents placing 18th, while ladies placed 8th made for the 2018 season to be one of the best memories. To top off all the records broken this season, both the girls and boys team set another record by winning the Parish Championship for the 4th year in a row.
“Everyone really exceeded all of our expectations,” stated Mrs. Giering, the
sponsor of the Eagle’s Cross Country team. Our Eagles put the time and energy to push themselves and find new limits. Their dedication to their team, and our school, proves that anything is possible, if you put the work in.

2018 Homecoming Court
Posted Oct 18, 2018
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Pictured is the 2018 Live Oak High homecoming court. Seated, from left, are seniors Aubrie Lewis, Olivia Betz, Kaitlyn Hall, Summer Didier and Sara Martin. Standing, from left, are freshman Mary Beth McGehee, sophomore Cricket Hicks, juniors Mary Grace Byers and Piper Horne, sophomore Brianna White and freshman Shaun Leiva. The queen will be crowned at halftime of the homecoming game against Belaire on Thursday, Oct. 18.

Posted Oct 2, 2018
Written by
Congratulations to the Robotics team for taking 1st place at the RARC competition this weekend.

The Musings of a Senior
Posted Oct 2, 2018
Written by Tyshea McGee
I’m parked in the school parking lot, and I lay content in my car as the radio plays a soothing symphony which almost sends me off to sleep, but then I hear the blaring horns of other vehicles and remember where I am. I looked down at my phone; 6:55 a.m. it hummed in a white hue, and it propels me to lay up, turn off my phone, and get out of the car.
As I walk to the sidewalk, I look at the once white walls of the gym now turning grey, and the front half of the main school building which was also aging. I remember when it was new and how the walls hummed with the youthfulness I once had, but it has faded with the waning years.
It was the seventh week in which my school, Live Oak, had started to run again. I admit it has been enjoyable. Years ago, I would complain of waking early, of the lectures of teachers on subjects I had no love for, and of going home on a bus reeking of heated leather and sweat. Now, I’ve accepted them as necessary evils and rarely am I bothered by a bad grade.
As “fresh meat”, we thought of being seniors; my peers and I couldn’t wait to stand atop the rest as dukes and duchesses of high school. I’ll admit, half of me feels that way because I’ve obtained some privileges of a high school duchess; I park in the front which means I leave school early, but that’s where my privilege ends, and I’m reduced to the same treatment as the common lower classmen.
As for school spirit, well, I’ve never had that, but I can see the change within my classmates. As freshmen, we never won the spirit contest due to the seniors working together like a well-oiled machine. Now we are the machine that’s well-oiled and prepared for victory; its adorable to see how far our class has come when it comes to screaming and winning a stick; we’re like a chorus of puppies!
However, now that we’re seniors, time is slipping away quickly; every sunset is another day lost and every dawn is another day we’ll lose. One day soon, the timer will stop so will our childhoods; the freedom we’ve yearned for yet are too scared to take.
Regardless, we seniors have come a long way as we’ve slowly climbed to the top of the food chain. Being a senior might excite some and frighten others. However, you feel, you should be concerned with those futures you dreamt of or need to dream of because you only have so long before you have to leave the nest. Tick tock people!

The Drop
Posted Sept 5, 2018
Written by TyShea McGee
What does every Live Oak high school student look forward to after the first week of returning and attempting to regain a normal sleeping pattern? No, not Thanksgiving or Christmas, although everyone is waiting for these holidays. It’s the Drop, obviously; the first time out of the school year for students to have fun at school, of all places. This year’s Drop, the Drop '18, took place during the auspicious month of August on the 17th day.
From what is whispered in the clear-lite cafeteria to the shadows of the restrooms, the Drop '18 was a very successful event. There was rapping here and there, some pop over there, and that is pretty much it. There were laser lights that streaked across the cafeteria floor that illuminated the fun had by all.
Regardless of the sarcasm, the Drop was an entertaining event; students got to mingle, dance, make a friend here or there, and it will truly be an event to remember, until Homecoming shows up.

Volleyball Season Opener
Posted Aug 30, 2018
Written by Dawson Kennard
This year’s Live Oak High volleyball season is going to be served from tonight, August 28th, all the way to October 24th. Our senior players this year are Skylar Kelley, Olivia Betz, Camryn Gerage, and Savannah Noble. The seniors, along with the other 25 players, are going to take home the win. Their head volleyball coach, Chastity Sims, joined the Eagle Coaching staff in 2017 after previously coaching at Denham Springs Junior High and winning the Parish Championship in 2016. Coach Sims has the goal for her athletes to work hard and set the bar high for themselves as they go for the state championship. She graduated from Southeastern Louisiana University specializing in Health and Physical Education. With all the hard work in this summer's workouts, our team is sure to win. This volleyball year is going to move like a jump serve and hopefully we can keep the momentum all season long.

Football Outlook
Posted Aug 28, 2018
Written by Edmond Young
Eagle’s football is headed by Coach Beard, the short-term coach for the Woodlawn Panthers and Defensive lineman for the Vanderbilt University. Coach Collier, offensive coach for our mighty Eagles; was, appropriately enough, THE Northwestern University offensive lineman. Our Eagles are in good hands for the Home game, this Friday at 7:00pm. Wesley Daigle, #4 running back; and Tyler Braun, #76 defensive end, think this is going to be a great year. “The senior class (in football) grew up from pee-wee football to now, so it’s a real brotherhood”, Wesley Daigle.
“I think we are gonna mow down the competition this year. our defense is gonna dominate, and the Offense will push hard to be ready and step it up this year”, Tyler Braun.
Hopes are high in the Eagle camp, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be a struggle. Zachary is going to be a huge contender; citing the fact that they went to state last year. Wesley also believes that Zachary is our biggest rival, stating that they’re a 3 time state champion (including 2017).
This year is going to be a tough one, but our admirable Eagles are going to soar!

Open House 2018
Posted Aug 15, 2018
Written by Ethan Hiestand
Open House this year was very informative to high school students and their parents. Open House was held helping students and parents get situated with the classroom and the expectations of the course. Parents learned about procedures and expectations along with the layout of their child's schedule. Open House gives parents an idea of what their child is learning and being challenged. This year’s open house was a real treat and gave a glimpse of how this year will be another year of challenges and successes.